Code of Conduct

Here is the code of conduct that applies to you and all learners on JGA’s programmes.

By following this code, we can ensure a safe, inclusive and productive environment that benefits everyone.

Breaking the code of conduct may result in withdrawal from the apprenticeship. Employers may also decide not to continue employing learners who have been withdrawn from the programme, so it’s really important to stick to the rules!

JGA expects everyone on an course to:
  • Help to maintain a pleasant environment for everyone

  • Show respect for others and uphold the Equality and Diversity Policy

  • Be polite and behave in a way that will not cause offence to others

  • Be punctual

  • Respect property and possessions

  • When in a remote session keep your camera on unless you have specific permission

  • Dress appropriately for undertaking related activities, no hats or hoods unless in an environment where they are professionally necessary

  • Follow JGA’s policy on the use of information technology

  • Wear and display an ID card at all times, and never lend an ID to anyone else, when visiting JGA premises

  • Not smoke on any premises used for learning

  • Follow health & safety and evacuation procedures

  • Observe JGA’s rules around plagiarism and use of AI in assessments

  • Uphold the good reputation of The JGA Group

JGA will not tolerate:
  • Vandalism, spitting and dropping litter

  • Bullying, harassment, threatening or abusive behaviour (verbal, physical or via electronic means such as text messaging, e-mails or online)

  • The use of swearing and offensive language

  • Fighting, loud or aggressive behaviour

  • Any form of criminal activity

  • Attempts to convert individuals to religious faiths or political causes

  • Use of our premises to promote a political or religious cause

  • Use, possession and/or being under the influence of illegal substances

  • Possession of knives or other weapons

  • Possession and/or misuse of alcohol

  • Use of mobile telephones, personal music systems or other electronic equipment in class, unless approved by the teacher

  • Eating or drinking in non-designated areas when visiting JGA premises

  • Unauthorised use of hardware, software, student email or data belonging to or used by JGA

  • Action which is likely to promote or increase disruption to students, staff or property

  • Any activity which is likely to bring JGA’s name into disrepute