Lifebuoy rings on a ship

Learner Support

We are committed to creating fantastic learning and work experiences while ensuring learners’ safety and wellbeing.

This is achieved through 1-2-1 and small group support, alongside an inclusive learning environment that helps all of our learners progress in their careers, regardless of educational or other disadvantages. We have access to government funding to assist those who require extra support, whether it be due to physical challenges, neurodiversity or other barriers and, in some cases, assistance with childcare costs.

There is nothing more important than keeping learners safe

We work to protect learners at risk of abuse, neglect, significant harm or radicalisation. Staff recognise and accept responsibility for developing awareness of the risks and issues involved in safeguarding.

We introduce these concepts as part of our courses so that our learners can better understand their rights, responsibilities and how to identify issues for themselves, their friends and loved ones.

Equal Opportunity

We are committed to creating a culture of equality and diversity. We aim to be truly representative of all sections of society and ensure that each employee and learner feels respected.

Our learners are encouraged to do their very best. Education, employment, training and progression opportunities are equally available to all. We will not tolerate discrimination or unfair treatment against anyone because of protected characteristics, including age, disability, gender, religion, race or sexual orientation.

We aim to foster a positive environment that promotes dignity and respect. Bullying or harassment is not tolerated.

Career Development

We offer a careers consultancy service to provide impartial and constructive information, advice and guidance about careers to all our learners.

Contact us

If you feel you are not safe or are not being treated fairly then please speak to your coach or tutor, email or call 020 8426 2666 and speak to Paula Wakelin.