Managing Mental Health at Christmas

Regardless of how or if you celebrate, it’s normal for this time of year to affect your mental health. You might feel like you’re not enjoying the things that bring you joy, or you could be feeling worried about loved ones or other things happening in the world. Remember, you’re not alone. There are many reasons why this time of year can be challenging, and it’s okay to feel that way.

How might Christmas affect my mental health?

Christmas could affect your mental health if you:

  • Feel alone or left out because everyone else seems happy when you’re not
  • Wish you didn’t have to deal with Christmas, or find it stressful because of other events in your life
  • Feel frustrated by other people’s views of a ‘perfect’ Christmas, if these feel different to your experiences
  • Have ideas about what Christmas should be like, feel as if you need to enjoy it or worry something will ruin it
  • Look back at difficult memories, regret things about the past, or worry about the coming new year

  • Feel like Christmas gives you something to focus on and look forward to, and find it difficult when it’s over
  • Want to celebrate with someone who’s struggling

Coping with money worries

Coping with the financial pressures of Christmas can be tough, especially if you’re already struggling with money, and the recent rises in living costs will have made things even harder.

How you cope with the costs of Christmas will depend on your circumstances. Some of these tips may not be realistic for your situation. But it may help to try the ideas listed below. You may want to access support with Turn2Us benefits calculator for tips on how to get help if you’re struggling to pay bills.

In addition you could:

  • Make lists, plans or a budget

  • Be open with others. It can be hard to talk about money. But being honest with others can help

  • Look for local offers or events

  • Look for free or low-cost items online

  • Avoid comparisons with the Christmas you see in adverts and social media

  • Be kind to yourself

Looking after yourself

In the midst of our busy lives, it’s easy to overlook one of the most important aspects of well-being: taking care of yourself. In a world that demands so much of our time and energy, it’s essential to be kind and patient with yourself. Remember, whatever challenges you’re facing won’t last forever, and setting boundaries is key to protecting your mental and emotional health. Allow yourself to feel your emotions without judgment and don’t hesitate to take a break when needed.

You deserve to have the things you need, and even when faced with challenging tasks, plan something special for yourself afterwards to de-stress. Self-care is a continuous journey, and these small actions can make a big difference in prioritising your well-being.

Planning ahead

Think about what might be difficult about Christmas for you, and if there’s anything that might help you cope. It might be useful to write this down.

For example:

  • If you sometimes experience flashbacks, panic attacks or dissociation, make a note of what helps during these moments, and keep it with you

  • If you’re going to be somewhere unfamiliar for Christmas, think about what you need to help you cope

  • Certain places may feel very uncomfortable for you, for example if they bring back difficult memories. Could you plan to spend less time in difficult places, or not go at all? Are there any reasons that you could stay away?

  • Think about whether you really need to do things if you’re not looking forward to them. Can you do them differently or for less time?

  • Make a list of any services that you might need and their Christmas opening hours

  • If you’re worried about feeling lonely or isolated this Christmas, think of some ways to help pass the time. For example, this might be doing something creative or spending time in nature

  • If you are in hospital or a care home, see what activities might be running over Christmas that you might want to take part in

  • If you can’t be with the people you want to see in person, you could arrange a phone or video call to catch up with them on Christmas day. Or try to arrange a visit around Christmas, if there’s a time when it’s possible to meet

  • Try to plan something nice to do after Christmas. Having something to look forward to next year could make a real difference

Managing relationships

If you find other people’s questions challenging, it can help to prepare some responses in advance, such as about your plans or how you’re feeling. Think about how to end difficult conversations. It’s okay to let someone know you don’t want to discuss something or to change the subject. It might also help to practice what you’ll say.

If you’d like to move on from an unwanted conversation, suggest an activity or an easy way to shift focus. For example, you could suggest playing a game or taking a break from the screen if you’re on a video call. Planning ahead can also reduce stress—agree on things like budgets or timings beforehand. For instance, you could decide not to give presents this year or set a spending limit.

If other people don’t seem to understand how you’re feeling, you could share this information with them. If speaking about it feels difficult, writing down your feelings and sharing this with them can be a good alternative.

Talking to other people

Let others know if you’re struggling. Talking to someone you trust about how you’re feeling can be really helpful. See Mind’s page on opening up to others about your mental health for tips.

It doesn’t have to be people you already know. You could join an online community to talk to others who have similar experiences to yours. Mind’s online community Side by Side is a safe place to connect with others who understand what you’re going through.

Be clear with others about how they can help, and let them know if there’s anything they should avoid. You don’t need to justify your feelings to anyone. Not everyone will fully understand, and that’s okay.