Image of a woman writing on a whiteboard with the words 'Service Designer, Level 6 Apprenticeship'

Completing Your Apprenticeship


Once you’ve completed your on-programme training you will go through Gateway. This is where we agree with you and your line manager that you have acquired the knowledge, skills and behaviours set out in the Apprenticeship standard and are ready to undertake end point assessment.

End Point Assessment (EPA)

EPA is the process at the end of your programme for you to demonstrate to a third-party assessor that you have acquired knowledge, skills and behaviours (KSB’s) throughout your training set out in the Apprenticeship standard.

The EPA will be carried out by an End Point Assessment Organisation (EPAO). The EPAO is an impartial organisation which takes responsibility for the final assessment of the apprentice against the requirements of their apprenticeship.

Icon showing a business environment where the table is made up of a puzzle that fits together denoting cohesion.

Your Assessment

During EPA, you will complete the following:

This assessment method has 2 components:

  • project with a project output – a c 4000 report on a significant and defined piece of work that has a real business application and benefit.
  • presentation with questions – a 25 minute presentation about the project that was completed followed by questioning lasting 35 minutes about the project, report and presentation.
  • A formal, two-way, 60 minute conversation with an Independent Assessor to assess your competence in the knowledge, skills and behaviours required by the apprenticeship standard.

Resources for End Point Assessment

Top Tips