Image of a woman writing on a whiteboard with the words 'Service Designer, Level 6 Apprenticeship'

Your Tutors & Coaches

Sumita Kunashakaran

Sumita Kunashakaran

Kat Knights

Kathryn Knights
Skills Coach & Adviser

Jo Larkin

Jo Larkin
Progress Adviser

Phil de Montmorency

Phil de Montmorency
Skills Coach

Explaining the Roles

There are three key roles in the team which will support your apprenticeship. Some members of staff cover more than one of these.

Your tutor will lead you through your workshops or seminars and deliver a large proportion of the knowledge elements of your apprenticeship with you.

Your coach will meet with you each month to help develop and evidence your skills and behaviours within the workplace. Your line manager will attend part of this session. They will help you gather evidence to demonstrate your overall competency.

Your learner progress adviser will help provide additional support where needed and monitor your progress. You will meet with them, and your line manager, every three months.

We use OneFile as our e-portfolio system. This is where your assignments will be set, you will submit your work and you will log your off-the-job training.

Your regular reviews will be stored on here as will some resources for your course. You will complete a learning journal, be able to monitor your progress towards your Knowledge, Skills and Behaviours and refer to your workplace training plan.

Our training video covers all the key features of OneFile you need to know. Visit the Support and FAQs page if you have questions or issues.

Knowledge, Skills and Behaviours

During your Service Designer apprenticeship you will learn to demonstrate the following knowledge, skills and behaviours.

  • K1: The theory and history of the discipline of service design, including definitions and principles, the different perspectives, approaches, or schools of thought.
  • K2: How and when service design practices can be used to design and improve services.
  • K3: Other business areas and professions involved in the design of services such as research, UX, technology, policy, and delivery.
  • K4: The use of creative processes involved in design such as user-centred design approaches and design thinking methods.
  • K5: Approaches to mapping a service and when to use them.
  • K6: Methodologies for user research and data collection to understand user needs, pain points, opportunities and areas that should be prioritised.
  • K7: Ideation tools and techniques to developing potential solutions.
  • K8: Methodologies to evaluate prototypes and ideas.
  • K9: Continued improvement of a service, using iterative and agile approaches.
  • K10: Methods and tools for working collaboratively with groups, teams, and individuals.
  • K11: Project management and agile principles and methods.
  • K12: Approaches to change management.
  • K13: Tools and techniques for prioritisation.
  • K14: Techniques for measuring cost, value, risk, and impact of decisions.
  • K15: Use of current and emerging technologies to inform the design of services.
  • K16: Principles of design and research ethics for service design.
  • K17: Equity, justice, diversity, and inclusion and how they impact on outcomes for people and organisations.
  • K18: Relevant regulatory and legislative requirements such as data protection, GDPR, confidentiality, for the handling and processing of data and its application during a project.
  • K19: How a service designer can contribute to a service becoming more environmentally sustainable.
  • K20: How to support the continuous development requirements and training and learning needs of people they work with.
  • K21: Organisation structures; business modelling; global and horizon scanning perspectives; governance and accountability; technological and policy implications. 
  • S1: Champion and advocate the benefits of service design and user centred solutions.
  • S2: Interpret, analyse, and challenge a design brief.
  • S3: Systematically analyse and apply problem-solving techniques to complex service design challenges.
  • S4: Use service design methods to design new propositions, products, and services, and improve existing ones.
  • S5: Co-design, workshop, and facilitation of service design activities with stakeholders and users.
  • S6: Map the current and future states of a service journey collating information from multiple sources to form a single view of the service.
  • S7: Select, formulate and apply qualitative and quantitative user research methods and approaches.
  • S8: Analyse and evaluate findings from qualitative and quantitative research methods to understand and prioritise user needs.
  • S9: Evaluate arguments, assumptions, abstract concepts, and data to make judgements, and develop questions to achieve a solution to a problem.
  • S10: Select and use ideation methods to generate multiple solutions to complex problems.
  • S11: Prioritise potential solutions to select which to take forward to further development.
  • S12: Prototype concepts and solutions from low to high degrees of fidelity.
  • S13: Evaluate prototype solutions, selecting the most appropriate methodology.
  • S14: Select, formulate and apply a range of user testing methods to ensure any service changes create the desired impact.
  • S15: Apply user-centred design processes to iteratively develop concepts and solutions.
  • S16: Evaluate solutions in place to continually improve the service for users and stakeholders.
  • S17: Critically analyse, interpret and evaluate complex information and concepts.
  • S18: Communicate complex information, concepts and ideas adapting for different audiences.
  • S19: Influence, negotiate and challenge stakeholders in the delivery and decision-making process.
  • S20: Considers multiple viewpoints including those of the internal stakeholders, service users and service providers.
  • S21: Work with multidisciplinary teams.
  • S22: Work ethically and sustainably, to ensure research and design activities are carried out to the highest practice in ethical standards.
  • S23: Manage project to timescales and budget requirements.
  • S24: Identify and apply emerging industry developments to continuously improve service design practice.
  • S25: Provide support, specialist advice, and guidance.
  • S26: Identify the training requirements for their teams and stakeholders. 
  • B1: Role models ethical behaviour and practices.
  • B2: Considers the “big” picture and the detail together.
  • B3: Works flexibly and adapts to circumstances.
  • B4: Seeks learning opportunities and continuous professional development.
  • B5: Takes responsibility, shows initiative, and is organised.
  • B6: Championing the user and putting them at the centre of the design process.

Off-the-Job Training

You will need to dedicate around 20% of your working hours to your learning and development, which equates to around one day a week.

How Can I Evidence My Learning?

Your coach and tutor will work with you to best gather evidence of your training. This can take various forms.

Functional Skills

Each Apprenticeship standard requires you to hold a certificate to at least a Level 2 in Math and English. If you do not have copies of your certificates, or if they are not held on the learner record service, then you will need to undertake the Functional Skills course.

Helpful Tips, Tricks & Techniques

We’ve compiled resources to supercharge your apprenticeship journey. Delve into our “Helpful Tips, Tricks & Techniques” guide, covering everything from polished business documents to expert minute-taking. Level up your skills for ensure your success.

Completing Your Apprenticeship

End Point Assessment (EPA) is the process at the end of your programme for you to demonstrate to a third party assessor that you have acquired the knowledge, skills and behaviours set out in the apprenticeship standard. This will only happen once yourself, your line manager and Skills Coach have agreed that you are ready.

Safeguarding, Prevent, Welfare & British Values

Paula Wakelin
Paula WakelinSafeguarding & Prevent Officer
There is nothing more important than keeping you safe. If you or someone you know is at risk, click on the button to raise your concerns.
We are strongly committed to practices that protect you from the risk of abuse, neglect or significant harm. Our staff recognise and accept their responsibility to develop an awareness of the risks and issues involved in safeguarding. All staff and learners should have zero tolerance for abuse, bullying, neglect and violence.

Prevent is about safeguarding people and communities from the threat of terrorism. At the heart of Prevent is safeguarding children and adults and providing early intervention to protect and divert people away from being drawn into terrorist activity.

We provide expert support to help you on your apprenticeship journey. This includes mental health and neurodiversity, careers guidance and academic and financial challenges.

We want to help you achieve your full potential. We offer careers consultancy to ensure you have impartial and constructive information and guidance to help you decide and then to action your career decisions.

We aim to create an equal, diverse, inclusive and respectful culture. All of us contribute towards this culture through our actions and words. JGA aims to address any barriers to equality in our systems, policies and decision making as well as in our behaviour and ways of working.

The Fundamental British Values underpin what it is to be a citizen in a modern and diverse United Kingdom, valuing our community and celebrating diversity.

There is a code of conduct which applies to you and all learners on our programmes. This lays out the expectations for your behaviour whilst on the apprenticeship.