Completing Your Apprenticeship
Once you’ve completed your on-programme training you will go through gateway. This is where we agree with you and your line manager that you have acquired the knowledge, skills and behaviours set out in the Apprenticeship standard and are ready to undertake end-point assessment.
Apprentices can only enter gateway after completing the 12 months on programme and on completion of 20% off-the-job, 100% KSBs, completed Maths & English (if required) and readiness for assessment as agreed by coach, learner progress adviser, apprentice and line manager.
End Point Assessment (EPA)
EPA is the process at the end of your program for you to demonstrate to a third-party assessor that you have acquired knowledge, skills and behaviours (KSB’s) throughout your training set out in the Apprenticeship standard.
The EPA will be carried out by an End Point Assessment Organisation (EPAO). The EPAO is an impartial organisation which takes responsibility for the final assessment of the apprentice against the requirements of their apprenticeship.
Your Assessment
The apprenticeship standard was revised in February 2024. Depending on when you started your apprenticeship, your EPA will be different. Please refer to the appropriate section below.
Assessment for apprentices who started before 2024
During EPA, you will complete the following
Assessment for apprentices who started after February 2024
During EPA, you will complete the following