Stay Safe, Stay Smart: Your Introduction to E-Safety

Welcome to the digital age, where our online presence is as important as our real-life interactions. But with great connectivity comes great responsibility. In this article, we’ll explore the ins and outs of e-safety, ensuring you can enjoy the digital world safely and securely.

What is Online Safety?

It can be called E-Safety (or e-safety), Online Safety or Internet Safety, but it all means the same thing. It’s about risk; it’s about being aware of the possible threats that online activity can bring and how to deal with them.

Here’s a short video offering some tips for us all on Online Safety.

New Online Safety Act

The Online Safety Act 2023 is new UK legislation which is designed to create greater Online Safety from:

  • User to User organisations (eg Facebook, TikTok, Wikipedia, Discord etc, so, social media, chat rooms, online gaming, data sites, discussion forums)
  • Search Engines (such as Google, Bing, Firefox, Alexa and Siri)
  • Online Service Providers where pornography may be displayed. Regulated by OFCOM, fines of up to £18 million, or 10% of turnover, could be issued for companies not complying.

New offences include:

  • Cyber Flashing
  • Intimate Image Abuse
  • Death Threats
  • False Information
  • Zac’s Law – relating to sharing information that can cause an epileptic seizure

What to do if you would like to report an online safety offence:

  • Report it – to your Line Manager, HR or Safeguarding team
  • Report it to JGA via
  • If someone advises you of a cyber flashing incident or sharing of photos/recordings, do NOT open the photo/recording – it is important to preserve the dignity of the complainant/

What do you need to do?

  • Check that the content you share contains no harmful images – bearing in mind each area of new legislation, including the new Zac’s Law regarding sharing information which could cause epileptic seizures.
  • Be mindful of all information you receive and share with others

Tips to Stay Safe Online

Explore’s compilation of 10 indispensable tips thoughtfully tailored to empower users of all ages in safeguarding themselves online. From strengthening your passwords to identifying secure websites, each tip is a vital instrument in your digital toolkit.

Protecting your online presence is essential in today’s world. This section extracts the 5 most important factors to equip you with the knowledge and skills to navigate the digital landscape safely and securely.

1. Password Development

Passwords serve as vital keys to our online accounts, safeguarding our digital lives. Given the immense impact of compromised access, creating robust passwords becomes imperative.

Typically, passwords should be a mix of at least ten letters and numbers, bolstered by capitalisation for added strength.

Avoiding predictable choices like names or birthdates is crucial, as is refraining from using the same password across multiple accounts.

Password generators and regular password changes further fortify security, ensuring resilience against potential breaches.

By adhering to these practices, users can enhance their online safety, minimising the risk of unauthorised access and protecting their sensitive information from potential threats.

Image showing mobile phone

2. Protecting the Network you use

After establishing a strong and unique password, considering the security of the network becomes crucial. Personal networks provide privacy options, allowing users to secure the router with a password, reducing vulnerability. However, the prevalence of free WI-FI in public places presents security challenges. WI-FI networks are inherently public, potentially accessible to anyone nearby.

To enhance security, it’s advisable to use Virtual Private Network (VPN) software, which encrypts connections, ensuring online safety. VPNs enable users to access networks privately, protecting sensitive data from unauthorised access.

3. Firewall Set up

Firewalls function as virtual barriers, regulating access to your network. They monitor both inbound and outbound traffic, enforcing predefined rules to prevent unauthorised access. By establishing strict guidelines, firewalls empower users to control network access effectively. Unauthorised attempts trigger alarms, allowing users to identify potential threats and take appropriate action.

4. Be Careful What You Click When Online

Are you familiar with the term “phishing”? Phishing involves deceiving individuals into divulging personal information. It typically occurs through spam emails impersonating reputable organizations like banks or insurance companies. These emails often include links to external sites, prompting recipients to provide sensitive details. This fraudulent practice poses significant risks to online security and privacy.

5. Visit Secure Websites

Firewalls function as virtual barriers, regulating access to your network. They monitor both inbound and outbound traffic, enforcing predefined rules to prevent unauthorised access. By establishing strict guidelines, firewalls empower users to control network access effectively. Unauthorised attempts trigger alarms, allowing users to identify potential threats and take appropriate action.

Image showing Female hacker sitting in front of computer

Fallen Victim to Fraud?

If you’ve fallen victim to fraud, you should visit eSafety Training by ‘the 2 Johns’. Their page aims to offer guidance and resources and advice on current fraud issues as well as suggests safety measures to minimize the risk of being scammed.

John Woodley & John Staines

Also know as ‘The 2 Johns’. Over the past five years you may have seen either one of the ‘2 Johns’ present at numerous key events in relation to the Online Child Sexual Exploitation of Children (OCSE). They have completed interviews for BBC Breakfast TV, BBC Radio 4, Channel 4 TV and numerous other local radio stations and have presented in schools across the UK.

As well as working with many individual schools and organisations ‘The 2 Johns’ are proud to work collaboratively with many partners to deliver various large scale community based projects.