Health & Care Intelligence Specialist Level 7
Duration: 22 months
The masters degree level HCIS apprenticeship is for junior professionals who study the health of populations, plan, commission, manage, deliver, monitor and evaluate health and social care policies and services.
It is important to gain the technical, often statistical knowledge but just as key is the ability to influence internal and external stakeholders and the capability to utilise systems thinking techniques to understand complex situations and apply ethical standards. Thereby ensuring initiatives are effective and right.
The course is purpose designed. As the first provider in the country we have built on the feedback from our systems thinking apprenticeship and focused ruthlessly on making the course absolutely vocational, taught by practitioners and applying learned techniques directly in the workplace. There are no dusty academics here!
Course Content
The accelerated training phase is 22 months including the end point assessment period.
The format is:
- Tutor-led, interactive seminars via Teams or Zoom, with leading practitioners, typically a day a month
- Monthly 1-2-1 time with an experienced skills coach
- Professionally guided small group round tables
- Behavioural and pastoral support from a Learner Progress Adviser
- Online learning and self-study materials
- An individualised Workplace Development Plan focused on both learner and business needs
- Quarterly reviews with line managers
- Self-study
Modules cover:
- The Health and Social Care System
- Personality, Stakeholders and Working Relationships
- Leadership and Management
- Project Leadership
- Information, Evidence and Recommendations
- Study Design and Methodologies
- Data analysis and Evidence Informing Decision Making
- Interpretation, Transfer and Dissemination of Information
- Finance, Economics and Planning
Projects cover
- Empowering Others through Training
- Leading A Change Project
- Project Identification and Proposal
- Writing a Report
Each presentation of the course is adjusted for the types of complex problems apprentices face at work and includes projects and assignments aligned to their real work.
Get in touch to see how we can help your organisation
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