Completing Your Apprenticeship


Once you’ve completed your on programme training you will go through gateway. This is where we agree with you and your line manager that you have acquired the knowledge, skills and behaviours set out in the Apprenticeship standard and are ready to undertake end point assessment.

End Point Assessment (EPA)

EPA is the process at the end of your program for you to demonstrate to a third-party assessor that you have acquired knowledge, skills and behaviours (KSB’s) throughout your training set out in the Apprenticeship standard.

The EPA will be carried out by an End Point Assessment Organisation (EPAO). The EPAO is an impartial organisation which takes responsibility for the final assessment of the apprentice against the requirements of their apprenticeship.

Your assessment

During EPA, you will complete the following

You will be presented with two scenarios, mirroring real world activities that would naturally occur in your normal workplaces, that you will need to respond to. The test lasts an hour and 30 minutes and takes place under exam conditions. This will be followed by a 15 minute Q&A session.

The Scenario Test has two parts:

Scenario 1 – 55 minutes

You will be provided with a scenario of between 115 and 225 words and with 1 annex. You will have 55 min to read and draft a response to the scenario. There is no minimum/maximum word count for the response.

Scenario 2 – 35 minutes

The second scenario also has a length of between 115 and 225 words and 1 annex. You will have 35 minutes to read and draft a response to the second scenario. There is no minimum/maximum word count for the response.

Q&A Session – 15 minutes

Ater completing the scenario test, you will need to wait whilst the assessor reviews the responses. There will then be a Q & A session, lasting 15 minutes.

This is a 60 minute in-depth two-way conversation between the independent assessor and apprentice. It allows you to evidence how you have met the KSBs for the apprenticeship standard. The discussion is underpinned by a portfolio of evidence, that you will complete during your apprenticeship.

Resources for End Point Assessment

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